How to use this website
how to use this site
Provider Search Facilities
About our Provider Search Facilities

The Provider Search facilities allow visitors to the site to search for companies in areas where they are seeking help by type of self-insurance and by category of service provider.

Using the Provider Search Facilities

You can search for companies in more than one category simultaneously. Once you have submitted a search request you will see a list of companies who match your search criteria with whom you can then make contact.

Business Inquiry Service
About our Business Inquiry Service

The Business Inquiry facility is available either to:

(i) Companies seeking self-insurance service provider partners for their own insurance programs

(ii) Professional member companies who are seeking partners for their client’s insurance programs.

Companies seeking self-insurance service provider partners for their own insurance programs may, for example, include companies seeking to set-up employee trusts, establish captives, explore a self-insured retention on a commercial property insurance risk or find ancillary service providers for their existing self-insurance programs.

business inquiries
Using our Business Inquiry Service

Companies should select the domicile and area of that domicile in which they are seeking help as well as the type of self-insurance such as Employee Benefit Trusts which they are seeking assistance with.

The short description which will be shown on the site should be no more than 300 characters and will be a summary of the service or help that you are seeking.

The further information section can contain as much information as you require or feel appropriate to provide at this stage. If you are a professional firm seeking a partner company for a client’s self-insured program, you may wish not to disclose the name of your client until you have connected with a firm with whom you are confident that they will be able to assist you.

When you are completing the further information section, we recommend that you create your description in a word document and the copy paste using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to insert the description into the business inquiry form.

Please note that only the type of self-insurance, the domicile and summary will be shown to visitors to the site unless they are members in which case they can view the inquiry and respond if they can help. Email addresses of persons submitting an inquiry are never shown but service providers can send an email to the inquiry through the site.

Risk Transfer Initial Inquiry Service
Our risk transfer initial inquiry service is available exclusively to service provider members seeking insurance and reinsurance solutions for their clients.

The service is designed to allow member companies and their employees to source insurers, managing general underwriters and reinsurers, and to save time by providing initial information which will allow risk transfer providers to respond if they can help.